What is Lent?Lent is the 40 day period between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday when Christians reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus between his baptism by John and his resurrection on Easter. The 40 day period is symbolic of the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert fasting and praying and then being tempted. Lent culminates in Holy Week, where Jesus enters Jerusalem in a parade, celebrates the Passover meal with his disciples, is betrayed, crucified, and finally resurrected.
Season long ActivitiesLenten daily devotions are available in the book Lent In Plain Sight, by Rev Jill Duffield. Former editor of Presbyterian Outlook magazine, Rev. Duffield takes the topics of Dust, Bread, Cross, Coins, Shoes, Oil, Coats, Towels, Thorns and Stones as the subject of daily devotions from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. It’s available for e-readers as well as paper-back.
Special Activities during LentPalm Sunday services are April 4, 2023 at 10am. A palm parade will start the service.
Easter Sunday services at 10am April 9, 2023. A joyous service celebrating the resurrection of Jesus and his appearance to his followers. |
Jamesville Community Church
6300 E Seneca Turnpike P.O. Box 277 Jamesville, NY 13078 [email protected] 315-492-1465 Sunday Worship 10:00am in person and on Facebook. |