About Us
We are a loving congregation and welcoming to all persons. We are both United Methodists and Presbyterians (PCUSA), the result of a merger in 1951 of the two churches in Jamesville. We think of ourselves as the Christian church, of and for the community, embracing all Christ followers who wish to share the love of God! We are also happy to host the River of Joy Baptist Church in our church home. They are a Korean congregation who celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2023 and worship in our sanctuary at 12:30 each Sunday. |
Pastor Search
Our Pastor Nominating Commitee is in the process of searching for a permanent pastor. While we continue our search, we are delighted that the Rev. Karen Chamis, has agreed to serve us as a part-time bridge pastor! We also continue to enjoy a delightful assortment of inspirational guest worship leaders. Please join us, either in person, or online at our Facebook Live services! |
Breeze Online Directory
Our Breeze system (which IS a breeze to use) not only provides an online directory, but also has a link to give electronically. Please contact the church office to get your personal login to the Directory: [email protected] 315-492-1465 |
News & Events
Weather Closing
Due to inclement weather, the Church Worship Service for Sunday, February 16, 2025 is cancelled. Please join us next Sunday, February 23, 2025! We have wonderful news! We are pleased to announce that Fred Harle was recently hired to serve as our part-time Ministry Leader. Fred has been a member of Jamesville Community Church for more than 25 years, serving in numerous leadership capacities. Select the ABOUT US menu at the top of this page for a better understanding of Fred and his position of MINISTRY LEADER. Bible Study is on break until mid-February. We regularly meet Tuesday mornings at 10:30.
All are welcome to attend. YoungLife leaves for El Salvador Wednesday, Feb 12th. Two members of our congregation will be participating. There’s still an opportunity to donate (tax deductible!) to the cost of attendance, or for the trip’s general fund. Fred Harle will be back on the 23rd to share about the trip. Sunday School is back up and running! We worship together at 10 a.m. on Sundays, and after the Children’s Sermon there is an invitation for children to attend Sunday School. We are excited to be using curriculum by Group! – the same folks that produce our Vacation Bible School material. It promises to be an exciting year! Our annual Turkey Supper was a big success!
We served over 200 neighbors and enjoyed working with volunteers from Young Life and the Boy Scouts. Many thanks to all who helped make this long-time community event a success. Proceeds will help support the Jamesville Food Bank, and our Young Life youth on their mission experience in El Salvador. Worship With Us Online or In Person
10:00am Sundays is our worship time. We have a solid group of in-person parishioners, and also regular participants on our Facebook services (see link to the right of this page.) In case you miss it… worship services are archived on our Facebook page so you may access recent weeks at your convenience. Safety Measures All are welcome to worship! We are observing safety measures out of love for one another: please self-patrol and worship online with us instead of in-person if covid 19 symptoms are present or if exposed to positive cases. Masks are presently optional for indoor worship. |
Jamesville Community Church
6300 E Seneca Turnpike P.O. Box 277 Jamesville, NY 13078 [email protected] 315-492-1465 Sunday Worship 10:00am in person and on Facebook. |